Best quotes by Whitney Wolfe Herd on Dating

Checkout quotes by Whitney Wolfe Herd on Dating

  • There were dozens of dating apps when Bumble came on the scene, but they weren't able to attract critical mass in a young professional group.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • I run a dating site, but I will gladly tell someone, 'Do not date someone if it's not right.' And don't settle. This settling thing is insane. I've literally had to force friends out of relationships because they want to be married by a certain age, so they just date these guys that are not right for them.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • I personally have always hated dating. I was never vulnerable or insecure in any part of my life, but I would become that way with a guy because they have control, according to society, when it comes to dating.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • Everyone in the dating business wants to know what women want - it's the billion-dollar question. But it's simple: put one in charge, and you find out.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • When I first got started in this whole world of online connecting, we were combating this antiquated stereotype of who used online dating, and we really set out to make it popular with millennials. What I find to be so fascinating now is, I'm seeing an inverse in that trend.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • I truly believe that what we're seeing with online dating is very similar to what happened with the Myspace-Facebook era, where Myspace was once this place for online connecting for a very select group of young people. And then Facebook kind of hit at this moment where it was acceptable for everybody to do it.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd
  • When I left Tinder, I had no intention of getting back into the dating industry. What I ultimately wanted to do was start this contagious complimentary social network, where kindness was at the helm.
    - Whitney Wolfe Herd