Best quotes by Bear Bryant on Time

Checkout quotes by Bear Bryant on Time

  • Don't give up at half time. Concentrate on winning the second half.
    - Bear Bryant
  • A good, quick, small team can beat a big, slow team any time.
    - Bear Bryant
  • Back 12 years ago, when Dr. Mathews was president here, we had a plan that when I got ready to quit, we'd bring a certain guy in and he'd take over that day and I'd leave. But as time wore on, I realized that wouldn't have been good at all.
    - Bear Bryant
  • I think I'm telling the truth. I sat by Ray Perkins at the Hall of Fame dinner in New York, and at that time he didn't know he was our coach and I didn't either.
    - Bear Bryant
  • If you whoop and holler all the time, the players just get used to it.
    - Bear Bryant