Best quotes by Debra Granik on Work

Checkout quotes by Debra Granik on Work

  • The challenge for me is to make sure I've done my work. To make sure not every scene is quiet, that other scenes rise up, that there's different tension.
    - Debra Granik
  • When I find those actors who are going to work that hard and collaborate that deeply, my role is to make sure there's a whole lot there for them to work with.
    - Debra Granik
  • You can't make movies without known names, and unknowns can't become known, because they can't get work.
    - Debra Granik
  • I would fail if I had to work with stars. And I also can't afford to work that way. I can't afford to have special circumstances for rarified individuals. So, I work with actors who have given me a sign that they're willing to work in these more humble circumstances, in real-life locations.
    - Debra Granik
  • The struggle to have a living wage doesn't come easy. You're ready to work, you want it, you seek it... but it's not like it's just given to you.
    - Debra Granik