Best quotes by Jennifer Love Hewitt on Me

Checkout quotes by Jennifer Love Hewitt on Me

  • Instead of piling up food in my fridge that says 'Come eat me!' I keep enough for only a couple of days. And I rarely have treats around that might tempt me late at night, which is when I usually crave something really fattening. What am I going to do? Drive out at 11 at night just to satisfy a craving? No, that's crazy.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • I would just love once to be called sexy. Just because it would make me something other than cute.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • It might sound so stupid, but guys do not hit on me. I'm not really sure why, but it's very rare that a guy will ever come up to me and be like, 'I'm going to lay down my game right now, and you're going to like it.'
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • I've literally, in my entire life I've had two guys come up to me and ask me out. Other than that I have had to go and try to like spend time with them, or sort of start the conversation, basically like spell it out in a Sharpie, like, you know?
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • Elizabeth Taylor taught me that if you do your hair and makeup first then take a hot bath right before you leave, it brings out your inner glow and takes away the powdery look from makeup. I do that right before every date.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me. I'm a relationship kind of girl. I like a twosome. Some people get excited about being single. I don't.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • Dating has taught me what I want and don't want, who I am, and who I want to be.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • My greatest fear is speaking in public. You meet, like, um, people who just concentrate on me. I'd rather not have everyone focus on me.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me.
    - Jennifer Love Hewitt