Best quotes by Rula Ghani on Family

Checkout quotes by Rula Ghani on Family

  • I feel Afghanistan has a very strong social fabric and sense of family... what I would like to do is encourage everybody in the country to appreciate more the role of women at home and outside.
    - Rula Ghani
  • My husband stands on his own two feet; my religion is not a factor. God created and decided for me to be born in a Christian family. It's not every day that a Lebanese marries an Afghan. I think God's hand is also in there.
    - Rula Ghani
  • People are saying I am against the chador. I am not. On the contrary. I am for traditional family values.
    - Rula Ghani
  • Chadaris, as far as I'm concerned, I think should be a personal choice of the women and the members of her family. I personally would not wear a chadari.
    - Rula Ghani
  • If you have a harmonious society where people within the family are living in harmony... knowing what their responsibilities and duties are, and knowing how to resolve their issues and their conflicts without violence, then violence against women will be reduced, and women will feel they have a voice.
    - Rula Ghani