Best quotes by Charles Pelly on Cars

Checkout quotes by Charles Pelly on Cars

  • The U.S. has not been big in new coaches - the U.S. is really behind Europe. It's the great passenger car and airplane that dominate American travel, and trains and buses have been much more secondary.
    - Charles Pelly
  • Auto designers usually have to think in terms of the standard categories: SUV, sports car, etc.
    - Charles Pelly
  • Making a new car is so expensive that the risk factor is what takes the unique ideas and keeps reanalyzing them until they become very similar.
    - Charles Pelly
  • I think there could be more experimentation if car companies didn't have to make such huge volumes. If you're making 300,000 vehicles, you have to play it safe. Ultimately, the companies want to make customized cars, and they are all working on ways to do that. Experiments with structural systems are usually about that.
    - Charles Pelly
  • Some people really like to have an open car that lets them see everything. Of course, others want the squinty, protected feeling of something like the Chrysler 300.
    - Charles Pelly