Best quotes by Apollonius of Tyana on Man

Checkout quotes by Apollonius of Tyana on Man

  • In my travels, which have been wider than ever man yet accomplished, I have seen many, many wild beasts of Arabia and India; but this beast, that is commonly called a Tyrant, I know not how many heads it has, nor if it be crooked of claw, and armed with horrible fangs.
    - Apollonius of Tyana
  • Never may a man prone to believe scandal be a despot or a popular leader! Under his guidance, democracy itself will be despotism.
    - Apollonius of Tyana
  • It is a true man's part not to err, but it is also noble of a man to perceive his error.
    - Apollonius of Tyana
  • If any man has left us for fear of Nero, I shall not account him a coward; but I shall hail as a philosopher any man who has been superior to this fear, and I shall teach him all I know.
    - Apollonius of Tyana
  • Just as an individual of pre-eminent worth transforms democracy into a monarchy of the best man, even so the rule of one man, if in all things it has an eye to the common welfare, is democracy.
    - Apollonius of Tyana