Best quotes by Tycho on Time

Checkout quotes by Tycho on Time

  • I think there are some things I am unable to fully express with my visual work, and the music is what fills that void. At the same time, I don't think you can fully appreciate the music without the anchor of the visual work.
    - Tycho
  • I was always a visual artist my whole life, and I came to music really late - when I was 21 or 22 was the first time I ever touched a musical instrument. For me, it was always this fun side hobby.
    - Tycho
  • The big thing on the horizon for me is video. I feel like it's the closest thing to a perfect mix between music and design, because it has the motion and it has the dynamics of music, while at the same time having the aesthetic components of design. It's a nice mix.
    - Tycho
  • Sometimes I wonder if I'm just memorializing my youth when I spent all this time outdoors. I always envisioned my adult life like I'm going to run every day and live in the woods in a cabin if I can - and here I am living in San Francisco and working in a studio.
    - Tycho
  • Slowly, over time, I learned enough that I started considering myself a musician, where I actually knew how to play instruments. But still, when I talk to my real musician friends, they're calling chords out, and I have no idea what they're talking about.
    - Tycho