Best quotes by Anoushka Shankar on Music

Checkout quotes by Anoushka Shankar on Music

  • I would write songs, inspired by my baby, but then I could tell that my baby was also responding to the music. It was just kind of an amazing musical experience.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • My memories of mealtimes are a real bleed of music and food. Music never really stopped in the music room, because everyone would move out to the table with their sitars.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I think sometimes when you speak about something like 'Indian classical music' and 'ragas,' and all of that's new to people, it can be quite intimidating, in the same way that I have sometimes found opera and Wagner intimidating - one doesn't know where to begin sometimes.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Alchemy is one of the good quote-unquote south-Asian experiences in that it has a wide variety of classical to experimental music.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Music is my passion, it's my fun - but what's really important are the people I build a family with. That comes first.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Writing can flow out when I'm feeling something strongly, whether that's joy, pain, fear, desire or anything else. The challenge is actually later, in the second or third or 100th draft of the music, when it can be so easy to cover up the original sentiments by making the music more ornate or cloaked.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • However, I need to make music that represents my inner truth and inner voice. I've found myself more able to do that within an international space that has an Indianness at its root but branches out to encompass sounds and cultures across borders.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • As a musician, it's only natural that my music mirrors my life.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I feel a lot closer to music and my relationship with my instrument than I did as a teenager. I have an adult perspective now about getting to do something I love for a living.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Parenting put music in the right place for me. Touring was always the first priority before, but it isn't any more. And, paradoxically, that has made my ability to make music much easier.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • On 'Love Letters' I focused exclusively on sung music, creating a collection of songs that directly address heartbreak and its ensuing emotions in a way that instrumental music can only hint at.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • On 'Love Letters', I focused exclusively on songs with lyrics, creating a collection of songs that directly address heartbreak and its ensuing emotions in a way that instrumental music can only hint at.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • There is no everlasting power in the music of today. Everyone is running after record sales.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • In a studio context, the music becomes greater than the sum of its parts. When you have collaboration, you have other people's strengths that I don't share, so my song can get stronger.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • When I work on someone else's record, I'm happy to alter the way I approach it, if I happen to like who they are and I'm interested in their music. But I know it's their record.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Someone like my father will improvise as much as 90% of the music in concert, but with me it's maybe 10 to 20%. It's sort of the test of how great someone is, the more they can improvise correctly and still be true to the raga they're playing, and still keep it new and fresh the whole time.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I listen to many forms of music. And I come from a very particular style and tradition of music, which has certain elements that are absolutely unique and, therefore, important to the world.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I try and approach other music with sensitivity. And, if it's music I don't know, I try and work with other people who are well-versed it in, so that it's done sensitively.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • As far as using electronics in my music, I have to do that as honestly as possible. Also, I have a broad range of listeners from a classical music base, as well as people, like me, who listen to a lot of different music. So I'm mindful of letting my sitar playing remain at the center of what I do.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • The Grammys are very wide-ranging but it's still within the Western world of music. So it would be lovely if that opened up more.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I think all kids are creative, so I wouldn't say my kids are geniuses. But they immediately respond to music. And they've got great rhythm!
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • Not every one knows of the connection between the Indian and the Spanish music, but if they do they seem to have a real reverence for that connection. A love point in music.
    - Anoushka Shankar
  • I work in the music world in a kind of very multi-faceted way. I work around the world, in different genres.
    - Anoushka Shankar