Best quotes by Rasika Dugal on Work

Checkout quotes by Rasika Dugal on Work

  • I am enjoying the abundance and variety of work on the web.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • When you disagree with somebody else, they often tend to get very defensive. But that doesn't stop me from doing the kind of work that I want to do.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • Whenever I work on a role, I always allow it to subconsciously take me to a place that is magical and unexpected, rather than consciously driving it to a place.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • But honestly, much of the work that I have done has had some impact on me. It's something that I have realised only later. I also find it amusing that the memories of actors are so consciously constructed around what happened to that piece of work, in terms of audience reception or box-office results.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • I've been fortunate with the kind of work I've done, in terms of quality. But a lot of work didn't get the kind of release and attention that it deserved. And, I feel little let down by our distribution system.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • A good working relationship between an actor and the director is very important. It takes a while to build a comfort zone because filmmaking is a long process so it is important to connect with people you work with.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • My general idea about my work is that it's more about the work than the things that come with it. I am constantly striving to improve on that and find new things to do there. That journey itself is so interesting is because there's so much to do that there's no room for doubt there.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • Nothing is more important to me than the work itself. If I feel I am getting swayed too much, I take a step back… My focus is also on the performance.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • Talking about your work all the time and to open up, you have to do all that. I have begun to find my fun in that as well.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • It is nice to have a lot of people watch your work but I really have thought of it as not the goal of my career but a bonus in my career.
    - Rasika Dugal
  • So, I do not work towards fame but if it happens to me, I won't say no.
    - Rasika Dugal