Best quotes by Anna Gunn on Women

Checkout quotes by Anna Gunn on Women

  • For women, no matter what career, what path you choose, it's still an uphill battle to work your way up to these top leadership positions. And you're much more closely scrutinized for everything - for things that men are not.
    - Anna Gunn
  • I really did like 'The Wolf of Wall Street.' But not seeing women represented in that world, it definitely had less resonance for me.
    - Anna Gunn
  • It's important for women to continue to break through barriers in our industry, in politics, in Wall Street.
    - Anna Gunn
  • There's nothing wrong with women saying that we can be ambitious and that we can want the same things that men have traditionally wanted.
    - Anna Gunn
  • There are so many more roles for men than there are for women.
    - Anna Gunn