Best quotes by Frederick Banting on Work

Checkout quotes by Frederick Banting on Work

  • My work is entirely surgical, and Col. Starr has given me a very interesting task of collecting nerve cases that have had the nerves sewn together. I may also do some experimental work for him.
    - Frederick Banting
  • When I go in, I find that it is not a lab but an office. There are a pile of letters to answer, phone numbers to call up, people waiting to have an interview, routine work that must be done.
    - Frederick Banting
  • The place where we were operating was not fit to be called an operating room. Aseptic work had not been done in it for some years. The floor could not be scrubbed properly, or the water would go through on the laboratories below.
    - Frederick Banting
  • Mr. Best has expressed the desire to work with me, and I should be more than pleased to have him. His work has been excellent, and he is absolutely honest, careful, and impartial and has taken a great interest in the work.
    - Frederick Banting
  • Professor Macleod, in his remarks, gave everything that I was going to say and used the pronoun 'we' throughout. The following day, students were talking about the remarkable work of Professor Macleod.
    - Frederick Banting