Best quotes by Tino Sehgal on Work

Checkout quotes by Tino Sehgal on Work

  • We package everything as a product so we can derive income from it. Then we can occupy ourselves with higher-order psychological lifestyle things. This is a very new issue. Money still matters, but other factors have joined the status game - like how interesting, how meaningful your work is.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • My father had to flee from what is today Pakistan when he was a child, and he became a manager at IBM, and any item of consumption he would acquire was a direct measurement of his success in life. But that same equation wasn't going to work for me - I was quite clear about that in my early teens.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • The nature of my work is my subjectivity meshed with other people's subjectivity. So there's a correspondence with that... Even if you write about me, it will reflect on you; everything is a kind of weird collaboration.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • One often forgets that even if art is a very successful field in contemporary culture, there are still a lot of people alienated by it. Even if people don't fully understand where my work is coming from, at least there's somebody who looks kind of sane standing in front of you and politely engaging with you. People react.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • Attention is the material I work with.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • For the general public, my work is sometimes easier than a painting because there is someone addressing you; it can actually be a relief. What's interesting is the idea of a tourist randomly coming in and the experience they'll have.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • What my work is about is, 'Can something that is not an inanimate object be considered valuable?'
    - Tino Sehgal
  • My work comes out of a deep psychological place, so it's not like I'm Object Man at home. Theoretically, I'm not against objects, but, personally, I'm not comfortable attaching myself to them - I don't seek them out. What you can say about my home is that it's not very ambitious.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • Photographs are two-dimensional. I work in four dimensions.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • The people who are interested in my work - they're quite far-out.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • In preindustrial times, the idea of creating something was more related to your personality. Personality was something that you constructed; it's something you had to actively develop and work on. Now personality is something that you have.
    - Tino Sehgal
  • Material things are not helpful after a certain degree of saturation. So you turn to other products. I think that therapy is a product that can transform you. But why does it need to be packaged as a product? Why can't I work on myself with my friends and family?
    - Tino Sehgal