Best quotes by Rachel Nichols on Me

Checkout quotes by Rachel Nichols on Me

  • I love dessert. All kinds. But there's something about ice cream that makes me happy. I am drawn to its simplicity. I am perplexed by the endless supply of constantly growing flavor options. And I am always in the mood for sprinkles and a sugar cone.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • I love the smell of freshly cut grass. It takes me back to summers in Maine.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • How come I love having an episode of deja vu? It's akin to an out-of-body experience, I would think. It sits with me, happily, begging me to delve into my memory to find its match point.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • People ask me about fighting in real life and, honestly, it wouldn't look as graceful as it does in film and TV.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • There are those people that eat to live and those that live to eat. I am of the latter, as many of you already know. To me, eating is an adventure.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • I love the physicality side of roles, I really do, And when I get to do my own stunts, it's that much cooler. I'll do anything the production safety people will let me.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • It's a confidence booster for me to be known as a female who can take on any action, which is nice, to have that reputation, because then people know that when they hire me, I can actually do the physical stuff.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • You don't want me to sing. I could do a really bad karaoke scene, if I had to, but I'd probably choose to rap.
    - Rachel Nichols
  • I love having wine with my meals. And if I splurge, I'm going to splurge big, because if I deny my cravings, it just ends up backfiring on me, you know?
    - Rachel Nichols
  • Everything you've heard about Canadians apologizing profusely for things they shouldn't be sorry about is absolutely true. It is both sweet, endearing and worrisome at the same time. Having someone apologize for no reason actually makes me feel as though I should apologize for their need to apologize.
    - Rachel Nichols