Best quotes by Amir Khan on Me

Checkout quotes by Amir Khan on Me

  • The thing is, I'm never scared. It's just in the blood, really. My family come from a warrior clan background, the Rajput tribe from the Punjab, and that could be one of the reasons. Going into fights just seems normal to me.
    - Amir Khan
  • In America, they treat me like God.
    - Amir Khan
  • I've been working a lot on my lateral movement, and angles - it's coming natural to me now - and on different techniques, keeping my hands right.
    - Amir Khan
  • One thing for sure is that I am not going to attempt to knock Barrera out. My boxing ability and my speed are the attributes that will get me the win.
    - Amir Khan
  • I came back from the Olympic Games, and straightaway, I'm this role model. So that means I can't mess around with my mates like I used to because, if I do, people are going to use it to knock me down.
    - Amir Khan
  • It's got difficult for me to walk down the street without people stopping me to ask for an autograph or to talk to me about boxing.
    - Amir Khan
  • King chiller. That was me.
    - Amir Khan
  • People come into fights against me and say this and that, but when they realise how quick and how hard I hit, their game plan disappears.
    - Amir Khan
  • I want to thank Kotelnik for letting me have a shot at the title. I'm so confident I'm going to beat him. He thinks that me moving up a weight, I won't be as strong, but I'm very strong. I'm a hard-hitting fighter.
    - Amir Khan