Best quotes by Menachem Begin on Will

Checkout quotes by Menachem Begin on Will

  • No one will frighten the large and free Jewish community of the United States.
    - Menachem Begin
  • The people of Israel have lived 3,700 years without a memorandum of understanding with America and will continue to live without it another 3,700 years.
    - Menachem Begin
  • We of course will say we claim sovereignty of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district. Others will come, and they will say we claim sovereignty. What can be the outcome?
    - Menachem Begin
  • The Palestinian Arabs will have their autonomy, we will have our security. We shall live together.
    - Menachem Begin
  • We do not covet one inch of Lebanese territory, and the basis for the peace treaty between our two countries will be the international border, which exists now, between Rosh Haniqra and Ras en Naqura.
    - Menachem Begin
  • He who threatens us will find us deaf to his threats. We are willing to listen only to rational arguments.
    - Menachem Begin