Best quotes by Stone Gossard on Time

Checkout quotes by Stone Gossard on Time

  • I just know that I love to write songs, and I have for a long time.
    - Stone Gossard
  • Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.
    - Stone Gossard
  • There's been a lot of role reversal going on in the band. The roles people have been playing for a long time will always be there, but everybody's willing to try on different outfits.
    - Stone Gossard
  • And I remember as a second or third grader having some autonomy to go to the store if I felt like it, walk home, take my time, kick the can. We were on our own schedule after school, so that was cool.
    - Stone Gossard
  • And I look forward to the time when I can become more indulgent with my songwriting. But this band is a family, and it's a process that we have to grow with together.
    - Stone Gossard
  • There is a tendency for writers to be most exciting by whatever they just wrote. Sometimes that excitement is warranted. Sometimes on further listen it's not as good as something they did a couple of years ago, but it's just not in their sights at that particular time.
    - Stone Gossard
  • I learn stuff from making music every time I go in the studio. I'm continuing to try to find new ways to play in a song or be in a song and have a positive impact on a song.
    - Stone Gossard
  • Every year is filled with good times and fights and struggles and misunderstandings. All of it adds up to being in a band over a long time.
    - Stone Gossard
  • Parenthood and having kids puts you in touch with a whole other sort of sensitivity which is nothing but good. You feel more than you ever felt. You feel that vulnerability, but at the same time you wouldn't trade it for anything.
    - Stone Gossard
  • It may take me a long time before I feel 'ready' to tour as a lead singer. I may never be ready... we'll just have to see.
    - Stone Gossard