Best quotes by Alicia Garza on Black

Checkout quotes by Alicia Garza on Black

  • We are clear that all lives matter, but we live in a world where that's not actually happening in practice. So if we want to get to the place where all lives matter, then we have to make sure that black lives matter, too.
    - Alicia Garza
  • Black Lives Matter is not just concerned with what happens in policing. The disregard, the disrespect, and the lack of dignity for black life transcends through the fabric of our society.
    - Alicia Garza
  • The biggest misconception about Black Lives Matter is that BLM is just one entity; Black Lives Matter is an organization and a network. We are a part of the movement, but we are not the movement.
    - Alicia Garza
  • We want to see a world where black lives matter in order for us to get to a world where all of our humanity is respected.
    - Alicia Garza
  • We need the best and the brightest thinkers, strategists, coders, surveillance experts, tech geeks, and disruptors to utilize all of the tools we have available to us to build the world that we want to see. A world where black lives matter. A world where all lives matter.
    - Alicia Garza
  • Whether or not you call it Black Lives Matter, whether or not you put a hashtag in front of it, whether or not you call it the Movement for Black Lives, all of that is irrelevant. Because there was resistance before Black Lives Matter, and there will be resistance after Black Lives Matter.
    - Alicia Garza
  • Black Lives Matter started from a post that I put on Facebook after the acquittal of George Zimmerman. I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, just trying to process what had happened and wanting to find community around being in a lot of grief and having a lot of rage.
    - Alicia Garza
  • For me, it's clear Beyonce sees herself as a part of the movement for black lives and believes that black lives matter - and ultimately, that's what matters.
    - Alicia Garza
  • Saying 'black lives matter' both literally and figuratively restores people's dignity.
    - Alicia Garza
  • The Clintons use black people for votes but then don't do anything for black communities after they're elected. They use us for photo ops.
    - Alicia Garza
  • It's actually OK to be unique and have your own contributions, to celebrate what it means to be black, how we've survived and thrived through the worst conditions possible.
    - Alicia Garza