Best quotes by Matt Gaetz on American

Checkout quotes by Matt Gaetz on American

  • While the Washington swamp, which loves shipping American jobs offshore to make a buck or Euro, is already rising up against the proposed legislation, the USRTA is just plain common sense.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • It's a big deal when you have got to fire the deputy director of the FBI because he lies four times, twice under oath. It's also a big deal when you have got to reassign people off the Mueller probe, when you have got cash at the Democratic National Committee that is convertible into a warrant to spy on American citizens.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • For the good of the American people, we must place our own interests first.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • There's not an American that would want to be investigated by someone they passed over for their old job back within the last 24 hours.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • Unilaterally disarming the American economy through crushing regulations will empower Washington but few others.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • The Green Real Deal rejects regulation as the driving force of reform and instead unlocks the unlimited potential of American innovation and ingenuity.
    - Matt Gaetz
  • The question for America is pretty simple: either we want a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington telling us what we can't do, or we empower American innovators to unlock things that we can do.
    - Matt Gaetz