Best quotes by Chris Lane on Music

Checkout quotes by Chris Lane on Music

  • I think the average country music fan grew up the same exact way that all the artists did, listening to hip-hop and country and R&B and pop and whatever it may be.
    - Chris Lane
  • Country music, to me, is what I grew up on.
    - Chris Lane
  • Everything evolves, not just music.
    - Chris Lane
  • I feel like I found a sound that is unique to country music, in my own lane.
    - Chris Lane
  • When it comes down to it, it's all about good music and what makes people react. That wins over everything else.
    - Chris Lane
  • Music was something that nobody in my family does.
    - Chris Lane
  • All me and my brother knew was sports - music was never something I ever really thought of.
    - Chris Lane
  • I grew up playing sports, and my dad was always really into that, very passionate about that, as was I, but even my passion for music far outweighs what it was for sports. That's hard for me to believe. And it's hard for me to believe that my parents' passion for music far outweighs their passion for sports, but it does.
    - Chris Lane
  • Once I got into the music, I realized that I had a passion for it that far outweighed what it was for baseball.
    - Chris Lane
  • Golf during the day, music during the night - it don't get much better.
    - Chris Lane
  • Country music has room for a little bit of everything.
    - Chris Lane