Best quotes by Alexa Bliss on Time

Checkout quotes by Alexa Bliss on Time

  • Bodybuilding gave me a healthy way to gain weight and learn to balance my life. Earning my pro card within a year, I got to do something I enjoyed and be healthy at the same time.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I love 'Talking Smack.' It is so much fun. We just literally go out there and say whatever we want. Somehow, it's never planned, but somehow I end up bickering with Daniel Bryan every single time.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I feel like - I know I talk about it all of the time. Body issues, online bullying, it is a thing. People go through it.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • Ronda Rousey is coming to WWE at such a great time because we're a big family here, and we try to help everyone succeed. She has passion for it, which is awesome, and she respects the business, which is awesome. Everyone has been helping her and walking her through everything.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • It was a great time being with Blake & Murphy. I always made sure that, even if their matches weren't going the way they wanted to, they went the way that I wanted to.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • When it was time for me to get in the ring, I was ready.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • There's nothing appealing about the Elimination Chamber. When I first walked into it, I was terrified. You start out the match in these pods, and you're just watching everyone go at it, waiting for your time.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I noticed the more muscle I put on, the more cushion and padding I had, the better my performances were getting. I decided I could be this little, stick-thin thing out there and be hurt all the time, or I could show my athleticism, and if it comes with a little bit of weight on the side, it is what it is.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • It doesn't matter how much time you do in NXT; you never stop learning.
    - Alexa Bliss