Best quotes by Stephen Miller on Immigration

Checkout quotes by Stephen Miller on Immigration

  • We're going to do whatever is necessary to build the border wall, to stop this ongoing crisis of illegal immigration.
    - Stephen Miller
  • If Democrats oppose a border wall, they're just saying they want continued, unendingly illegal immigration.
    - Stephen Miller
  • Immigration is an emotional issue. And it ought to be an emotional issue because it affects people's lives.
    - Stephen Miller
  • Stopping new illegal immigration - preventing the effects that will have on our schools, on our hospitals, on our welfare system, on our wage earners - will save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.
    - Stephen Miller
  • The U.S. government has a sacred, solemn, inviolable obligation to enforce the laws of the United States to stop illegal immigration and to secure and protect the borders.
    - Stephen Miller
  • The media tends to cover immigration issues through the frame of how it impacts everybody but actual citizens of the United States.
    - Stephen Miller