Best quotes by Gayle Lynds on Research

Checkout quotes by Gayle Lynds on Research

  • Get in the habit of vetting your research as you go - particularly research conducted online. Verify facts from multiple reputable sources before you record them.
    - Gayle Lynds
  • The common wisdom is that only about 1 percent of a novelist's research ends up in his or her book. In my experience, it's even less - closer to a tenth of a percent.
    - Gayle Lynds
  • You don't want to become guilty of plagiarism by letting someone else's words get inadvertently mixed in with your own. If you do feel the need to paste in a block of research while you're writing, be sure to highlight the copied text in a different color so you can go back and remove or rewrite it entirely later.
    - Gayle Lynds
  • Be wary of cutting and pasting research nuggets directly into your manuscript.
    - Gayle Lynds
  • I've always looked upon research as an opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. But the other side of the coin is one must not be so caught up in it that one never gets the book written.
    - Gayle Lynds