Best quotes by Alex Hirsch on World

Checkout quotes by Alex Hirsch on World

  • Endings are scary and foreign. They split you up emotionally and put you in a place where you don't know what's going to happen next. But with every end of the world, there is a new world that follows.
    - Alex Hirsch
  • One of the interesting things about making a kids TV show is that you are in living rooms all across the world and you never know who's watching.
    - Alex Hirsch
  • Gravity Falls' normally follows very particular rules: we start out in reality close to the world as we know it, usually one magical element presents itself, and then it's essentially vanished or hidden back to where it came from by the end of the 20 minutes.
    - Alex Hirsch
  • A lot of kid characters you see on TV are sassy, and snarky, and think they're just the coolest kids in the world, and are mean spirited.
    - Alex Hirsch
  • Everyone has days where they don't get their way, where you have to go to bed early or you have too much homework to do or you can't eat the candy that you want or you miss your favorite TV show and, in those moments, you just want to tear the whole world down.
    - Alex Hirsch