Best quotes by David Viscott on People

Checkout quotes by David Viscott on People

  • Most people of action are inclined to fatalism and most of thought believe in providence.
    - David Viscott
  • In the end, the only people who fail are those who do not try.
    - David Viscott
  • People now feel time accelerating. Lists allow them to feel some sense of accomplishment.
    - David Viscott
  • Although everyone fights, few people know how to have a good argument, an argument that clears the air and makes it less likely a future argument will take place on the same subject.
    - David Viscott
  • This is really America in therapy, people trying to get themselves together and be whole.
    - David Viscott
  • In other relationships, it may be permissible to overpower people, but not between people who are living together. That relationship is supposed to be between equals.
    - David Viscott