Best quotes by Moshe Vardi on Technology

Checkout quotes by Moshe Vardi on Technology

  • In 2017, there was a sudden recognition of several adverse societal consequences of information technology, from job losses due to automation to manipulation of public opinion, with significant political consequences.
    - Moshe Vardi
  • The impact of technology on labor has become clearer and clearer by the day.
    - Moshe Vardi
  • What people are now realizing is that this formula that technology destroys jobs and creates jobs, even if it's basically true, it's too simplistic.
    - Moshe Vardi
  • You can now eat bananas from Chile; you couldn't do it before you had air shipping. Now, communication technology enables the shipping of labor.
    - Moshe Vardi
  • The question I want to put forward is, 'Does the technology we are developing ultimately benefit mankind?'
    - Moshe Vardi