Best quotes by Adam D'Angelo on Internet

Checkout quotes by Adam D'Angelo on Internet

  • There's a lot of information that has been in peoples' heads and hasn't gotten onto the Internet. Even as the Web has gotten really big, there's just been this gap. So we made Quora as a general place for people to share knowledge of all kinds.
    - Adam D'Angelo
  • We're more interested in someone writing a really great answer that's going to be read by thousands or tens of thousands of people over the next few years as it stays on Quora and as it gets distributed on the Internet.
    - Adam D'Angelo
  • Most of the stuff that people look at on Quora today was not written in the last month. You write something really good, and maybe it's the definitive answer on the Internet for the next 10 years. Maybe it's only a year, but not like a tweet, where it's only relevant for a day or a week.
    - Adam D'Angelo
  • I think as more people use the phones to access the Internet, they have a lot less patience for trying to find things on the search engines. That is because you need to figure a lot of things out for search to work.
    - Adam D'Angelo
  • The Internet was supposed to allow anyone to set up a web page and share their knowledge with the world. But in practice, it's too difficult and takes too long, and almost no one does it.
    - Adam D'Angelo
  • More than a billion people use the Internet, yet only a tiny fraction contribute their knowledge to it.
    - Adam D'Angelo