Best quotes by Abigail Spanberger on People

Checkout quotes by Abigail Spanberger on People

  • As I was running for Congress in 2018, people across my district voiced a clear concern that Washington wasn't working for them, and was instead serving corporate and special interests.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • People are being gouged - but often, they don't have any idea as to why they're being gouged every single time they go to the pharmacy.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • I loved the idea of understanding people, places, concepts, concerns and large international questions. And being the one to go out and get the answers.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • When I was a CIA officer we would have meetings and you don't know what people's politics are... We were there to serve a mission that we were focused on that mission.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • To tackle the prescription drug affordability crisis, we need to understand how high costs are directly impacting the people in our communities and in our neighborhoods - and we need to redouble our resolve to pass meaningful legislation that can lower prices and stimulate competition across the industry.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • Taking proactive steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus in our communities is essential to protecting not only our families, but the many seniors, immunocompromised individuals, and other people with underlying health conditions who have a serious interest in avoiding exposure to the disease.
    - Abigail Spanberger
  • Listening to the people I serve is a critical component of any legislative effort.
    - Abigail Spanberger