Best quotes by A.J. Styles on People

Checkout quotes by A.J. Styles on People

  • I'm not trying to be something that I'm not, and I think a lot of people can relate to that. They want something that's real, and I think I give that to them.
    - A.J. Styles
  • Sometimes I feel like if I'm not getting people to boo me, then I'm not doing my job right.
    - A.J. Styles
  • There's plenty of people who've never gotten the opportunity to wrestle at WrestleMania. To perform there and do that, I never thought it would ever happen. I had learned to live with it. So to say I did, that is a big notch in my belt.
    - A.J. Styles
  • I hope to have more than one main weapon. I have the Phenomenal Forearm as we're calling it now, the Calf Crusher - the Styles Clash is still available. I like to have a lot of alternative moves to hit people with, and whatever seems to work is what I'll go with.
    - A.J. Styles
  • Everybody either hates or loves John Cena; there's no medium. I feel like that I've accomplished something when I get people to cheer for John Cena. I feel like I've done something.
    - A.J. Styles