Best quotes by Ziggy Marley on Life

Checkout quotes by Ziggy Marley on Life

  • My dream is to live a good life and be loving, be close to God and be a good human being and bring peace to people.
    - Ziggy Marley
  • Reggae has a philosophy, you know? It's not just entertainment. There's an idea behind it, a way of life behind the music, which is a positive way of life, which is a progressive way of life for better people.
    - Ziggy Marley
  • Fitness has always been one of the top priorities in my life because that's the way I grew up, with soccer being the sport of choice.
    - Ziggy Marley
  • The long-term study of GMO foods is going on in real time and in real life. Not in a lab.
    - Ziggy Marley
  • Running is a part of my medicine. It's what helps relieve my stress, and it's what helps me get away from the concerns of business and anything else that's going on in my life that I need to escape from at times - to find who I am. Running really helps me with that.
    - Ziggy Marley
  • I prefer the country life. I live in Kingston, but there is lots of trees.
    - Ziggy Marley