Best quotes by Zach Anner on People

Checkout quotes by Zach Anner on People

  • Religion is something we don't talk about, and it is used by uneducated people as a weapon to divide us as opposed to connect with each other.
    - Zach Anner
  • Humour allows people to exhale a little.
    - Zach Anner
  • New Yorkers - the people are so honest. If you're sucking on stage, they'll let you know.
    - Zach Anner
  • Most people are really dedicated to doing good things.
    - Zach Anner
  • People tend to treat people with disabilities sort of like they're aliens from another planet. It doesn't come from a bad place; it comes from a place of, 'I have no idea what this disability entails, and I don't want to offend anyone or make them feel awful.'
    - Zach Anner
  • It's ridiculous that we are in a place where we feel like we can classify and dismiss certain groups of people just because of the way they look, or we have these standards of health - like, cellulite is something you need to get rid of. No, it isn't. It's just a part of people's bodies.
    - Zach Anner
  • Religion is such an important part of so many people's lives, and I don't understand it at all.
    - Zach Anner
  • Depending on where my self-confidence was, growing up, I would use humor either to bring people closer, or to keep them away from certain feelings I had.
    - Zach Anner
  • Humor disarms people. It opens them up to starting a dialogue about things they wouldn't normally talk about. I don't understand how people who don't have a sense of humor get through life.
    - Zach Anner
  • I've always wanted to do a travel show for people who never thought they could.
    - Zach Anner
  • A lot of the time, when people meet someone in a wheelchair, or with some disability, it's the first thing they notice, but they don't know how to react.
    - Zach Anner