Best quotes by Yolanda Hadid on Me

Checkout quotes by Yolanda Hadid on Me

  • I will not allow anyone to shut me up or shame me into silence, and I'm not going to rot away behind closed doors.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • Becoming chronically ill has definitely given me a greater understanding of human nature, and I've learned to accept people's lack of long-term compassion for others while they live their busy lives.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • The Lyme disease had so severely affected my brain functioning that it was extremely hard for me to think, form sentences, and stay focused.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • There is nothing harder for me than to sit at the sideline, not being able to be productive.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • It's hard for me to be involved in superficial friendships with other women.
    - Yolanda Hadid