Best quotes by Wyatt Cenac on People

Checkout quotes by Wyatt Cenac on People

  • I represent my community, and I represent my people. And I've got to be honest if something seems questionable.
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • It's interesting to go places and see that, at the end of the day, people just want to feel safe, and what that looks like to them varies... but that was encouraging to see that there is more common ground than perhaps I realized.
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • Policing of the disabled and how many deaf people get shot by cops is sort of insane. And it's not talked about.
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • When I used to put videos on MySpace, there'd always be someone posting something nasty. To those people, I'd send friend requests, and invariably, they accepted them.
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • I wrote this 12-page 'Luke Cage' comic book for Marvel once, and I got to create a villain. His name was Lone Shark, so there was this running thing of whether it was spelled L-O-A-N or L-O-N-E. I like the idea of 'I'm a lone shark,' and then people are like, 'You are here to collect a debt?'
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • I think, a lot of times when you do a comedy show, people will turn out for a name they know. So, they get excited when they see Patton Oswalt is going to be on the show, but they kind of cross their arms until Patton Oswalt shows up.
    - Wyatt Cenac
  • When we simply write a place off as, like, 'Well, it's just Trump country,' for the people who are there, we do them a disservice on some level. It's their country, too.
    - Wyatt Cenac