Best quotes by Paul Orndorff on Me

Checkout quotes by Paul Orndorff on Me

  • The fans can either hate you or like you, and they either hated me or liked me, but they always remembered me. I'm very proud of that.
    - Paul Orndorff
  • When they hated me, it was hell. I used to fight the crowd before I even started my matches. It was crazy.
    - Paul Orndorff
  • The good Lord gave me something, and he gave me intensity. He gave me a body, and he gave me the work and how hard I worked the body the way that it was.
    - Paul Orndorff
  • God made me to be a sports player. He didn't make me to be a professor or any of that other crap.
    - Paul Orndorff
  • I worked every night, and I'd go 25, 35, 45 minutes, and that is what made me, and that is that I knew how to work, and I knew how to work the people.
    - Paul Orndorff