Best quotes by William Bratton on Police

Checkout quotes by William Bratton on Police

  • Policing has to be done compassionately and consistently. You cannot police differently in Harlem than you're policing downtown. The same laws must apply. The same procedures must be employed. Certain areas at certain times may have more significant crime and require more police presence or more assertiveness, but it has to be balanced.
    - William Bratton
  • It's an unfortunate fact that in the male black population, a very significant percentage of them, more so than whites or other minority candidates, because of convictions, prison records, are never going to be hired by a police department. That's a reality. That's not a byproduct of stop-and-frisk.
    - William Bratton
  • Cops have been complaining about morale since police forces were created. I used to complain about it a lot when I was a young cop.
    - William Bratton
  • Slavery, our country's original sin, sat on a foundation codified by laws enforced by police, by slave-catchers.
    - William Bratton
  • You cannot police a community without effectively working with the community.
    - William Bratton
  • I've spent my life in the police profession, and I'm proud of that. But I am also very cognizant of the profession's limitations, its potential for abuse, and its potential negative impact.
    - William Bratton
  • If an African-American or a recent immigrant - or anyone else, for that matter - can't feel secure walking into a police station or up to a police officer to report a crime, because of a fear that they're not going to be treated well, then everything else that we promise is on a shaky foundation.
    - William Bratton
  • I was still a recruit in the Boston Police Academy when I attended my first police funeral. It was September 28, 1970. I remember it still.
    - William Bratton