Best quotes by Whit Stillman on People

Checkout quotes by Whit Stillman on People

  • What I find remarkable is that so much of the 18th century literature that I read is more accessible than reading your alternative weekly from ten years ago. People really aspired to write clearly.
    - Whit Stillman
  • I think one thing that makes me delay projects more than other people is, I see this silver lining in a turn-down. Maybe if I just wrote a script and then pounded my head against all the doors, I would be shooting more films.
    - Whit Stillman
  • With all my films, the pace is not very fast, and so people get bored with them and comment that they're just people talking in rooms and all that.
    - Whit Stillman
  • My biggest false steps have actually been when I tried to do very different projects. I found I was getting people saying, 'Why does Whit Stillman think he can do a film about blacks in early '60s Jamaica? Or the Chinese and the cultural revolution?' Those were the two biggest failures I had getting off the ground.
    - Whit Stillman
  • I have to embrace the fact people find me divisive, but I find it remarkable. I was very disturbed by the hatred 'Damsels in Distress' received.
    - Whit Stillman
  • The dull externals of the screenwriter's working life are well known: We are the people taking up too much table space at cafes.
    - Whit Stillman
  • Coming out of college, back to New York, where I didn't really know that many people, I thought our world was very atomized.
    - Whit Stillman
  • If you're sort of interested in politics but sort of upset about contemporary politics, it's kind of wonderful to read about periods who were very eloquent and admirable - generally. People are articulating ideas you can sympathize with or understand both sides of. Or at least feel like one side is saying the right things.
    - Whit Stillman
  • Generally, I like people's trunk projects, the things they were working on before anyone knew who they were. I think when people run out of their trunk items and they start doing stuff just to do a film next year, the quality goes down, the interest goes down. Maybe it feels commercial or something.
    - Whit Stillman
  • My whole career, only one person has stepped up to back me. All these people say they like your films. They say this and they say that, but no one actually does anything.
    - Whit Stillman