Best quotes by Daryl Davis on Black

Checkout quotes by Daryl Davis on Black

  • I was no stranger to racism. Having grown up a black person in the '60s and '70s, I knew that prejudice was common.
    - Daryl Davis
  • Rock 'n' roll was uniting black kids and white kids, and rock 'n' roll is not being given credit... for being just as important to the civil rights movement as the activists.
    - Daryl Davis
  • I met a white man once, who claimed that every black man has a gene which makes him violent. To which, I said I had never been violent and that he was wrong.
    - Daryl Davis
  • I don't consider myself to be a racist, but to me there's not much difference between a black racist or a white racist.
    - Daryl Davis
  • Some black people who have not heard me interviewed or read my book jump to conclusions and prejudge me... I've been called Uncle Tom. I've been called an Oreo.
    - Daryl Davis
  • A lot of the media says, 'oh, black musician converts X-number of Klansmen.' I never converted one. But over 200 have left that, the white supremacy movements, because I have been the impetus for that.
    - Daryl Davis
  • 1983 - Country music had made a resurgence in this country so I joined a country band. I was the only black guy in the band and consequently, usually the only black guy in many of the places where we played.
    - Daryl Davis