Best quotes by Wendy Long on Law

Checkout quotes by Wendy Long on Law

  • Lady Justice doesn't have empathy for anyone. She rules strictly based upon the law, and that's really the only way that our system can function properly under the Constitution.
    - Wendy Long
  • Judge Sotomayor is a liberal judicial activist of the first order who thinks her own personal political agenda is more important that the law as written.
    - Wendy Long
  • I have been in private law practice in New York City, where my husband and I are raising our children.
    - Wendy Long
  • Looking at the history of our country, we have been and we are pro-immigrant, but we aren't going to be much of a country if we don't take care of our own people first and if we don't observe the rule of law.
    - Wendy Long
  • A judge is supposed to have empathy for no one but simply to follow the law.
    - Wendy Long
  • The best way to have empathy for people and the best way to have empathy for our Constitution is to appoint judges who will rule based on the law and to have empathy, if you will, for the law only and to rule based on the law.
    - Wendy Long
  • I will stand up for judges who faithfully follow the law as it is written.
    - Wendy Long