Best quotes by Hedy Lamarr on Men

Checkout quotes by Hedy Lamarr on Men

  • American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • Men are most virile and most attractive between the ages of 35 and 55. Under 35 a man has too much to learn, and I don't have time to teach him.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I must quit marrying men who feel inferior to me. Somewhere there must be a man who could be my husband and not feel inferior.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I enjoy countless hundreds pursuing me. I love those who love me the most. I am sort of flattered by men showing attention to me.
    - Hedy Lamarr