Best quotes by Wayne McGregor on Work

Checkout quotes by Wayne McGregor on Work

  • I listen to music all the time, and I just choose things I like, or things that I've not used before. Sometimes I work with music that's very difficult - that I don't even particularly like, per se, but that is really complex or interesting.
    - Wayne McGregor
  • Dancers can get to see almost everything now. When I used to go into companies to make a piece, the dancers had hardly ever seen my work. Now they can watch it on YouTube. It means they're much faster at picking up material.
    - Wayne McGregor
  • I enjoy my work too much to force-feed myself with pressure.
    - Wayne McGregor
  • If you put yourself in a place where you're having to work at understanding something, then you keep yourself awake to all possible choices. How the body will look like in the future, the ethics of the body: those are questions that really fascinate me. Let's get the dialogue going.
    - Wayne McGregor
  • I always try to keep a little bit of space in the year to work with other people. Because I love doing musicals, films and plays - projects where I'm not in charge, where I've got somebody else telling me what to do and I have to work with their vision.
    - Wayne McGregor