Best quotes by Virgil Goode on Will

Checkout quotes by Virgil Goode on Will

  • A lot of disgruntled Democrats that don't like Obama - old-line Democrats, some of them even conservative - will never vote for a Republican ticket, but they will vote for me as an independent.
    - Virgil Goode
  • It is important that the United States move with all deliberate speed to develop and get into usage alternative fuels that will allow us to end our dependence on foreign oil.
    - Virgil Goode
  • Only in the last week, South Carolina announced that it is seeking to become the U. S. center for hydrogen fuel cells, and BMW revealed that it will power some of its high-end model cars with hydrogen.
    - Virgil Goode
  • However, it may occur that we will find ourselves using a variety of fuel sources to give us the energy we need support our lifestyles and boost our economy.
    - Virgil Goode
  • In general, anyone who paid the long distance telephone tax will get the refund on their 2006 federal income tax return. This includes individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations.
    - Virgil Goode
  • If the massive invasion is not stopped, we are going to be flooded to the extent that we will drift into third world status. For our children and for our grandchildren, we cannot fail on this issue.
    - Virgil Goode
  • The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district, and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration, there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran.
    - Virgil Goode
  • Send Iran a clear message that if we are assaulted, we will meet it and trump it.
    - Virgil Goode
  • The establishment will do all they can to block him, so grassroots America's going to have to turn out in droves for Mr. Trump.
    - Virgil Goode
  • The voters of each Congressional district select the representative that they choose to represent them, and perhaps voters in all districts will now ask prospective candidates whether they will use the Bible, the Koran, or anything else.
    - Virgil Goode