Best quotes by Val McDermid on Time

Checkout quotes by Val McDermid on Time

  • It seems to me that one of the things that happened with a lot of literary fiction in the 1980s and 1990s was that it became very concerned with the academy and less with how people live their lives. We got to a point where the crime novel stepped into the breach. It was also a time when the crime novel stopped being so metropolitan.
    - Val McDermid
  • I spent a lot of time at my grandparents in the school holidays, and the only books in the house were a copy of the Bible and Agatha Christie's 'Murder at the Vicarage.' I developed a taste for murder mysteries and then later discovered libraries, second-hand bookshops, and jumble sales.
    - Val McDermid
  • I did want to be Joni Mitchell for quite a long time.
    - Val McDermid
  • I have a vernacular house on the seaside in Northumberland and an Edwardian semi in south Manchester. They're both exactly as big as they need to be. I can't be doing with an ostentatious, big house - you can only be in one room at a time.
    - Val McDermid
  • I was always writing the books that I wanted to write, books that demanded to be written at the time. But, like most writers, you start off feeling your way.
    - Val McDermid
  • Back in the day, when I started, you were still allowed to make mistakes. You got to make your mistakes in public, in a way. I think the world was a more forgiving place when I started my career, in the sense that we got time and space to develop as a writer.
    - Val McDermid