Best quotes by Oscar Isaac on People

Checkout quotes by Oscar Isaac on People

  • A lot of very successful businessmen share some of these sociopathic traits - a lack of empathy, seeing people as commodities, projecting an air of sincerity when everything is actually calculated.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • Being someone with Latin roots, so many doors are constantly closed for you because people put you in a category, and the thing I've always wanted to avoid is categorisation.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • There's very few people - like Shakespeare - who, no matter what, were gonna do what they did. For the rest of us, there's a lot of events that have to happen in order for things to end up the way they are.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • I think that when you decide to dedicate yourself to creative endeavors and surround yourself with people who are creative, you very quickly learn how hard it is to survive doing those kinds of things, not to mention make a living at them.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • I think that's why often people in creative fields can feel so alone is because there's a constant third eye, that constant watcher.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • I was in bands, but they were punk bands, and you plug in the guitars, you turn them up really loud, you've got four or five other people on stage with you, you've got some protection from when they throw lighters. You can always hide behind the lead singer or the bass player.
    - Oscar Isaac
  • I had a great conversation with Tom Waits, of all people.
    - Oscar Isaac