Best quotes by Sean McVay on Football

Checkout quotes by Sean McVay on Football

  • Some of my closest friends in life are guys that I was able to play high school football with.
    - Sean McVay
  • We're trying to win football games, and whoever we feel like gives us the best chance is who's going to play behind center.
    - Sean McVay
  • I have no life - other than I love football.
    - Sean McVay
  • What I do have is an appreciation for the fact that I've been very blessed and fortunate with timing, in getting opportunities that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten, if I weren't from a football family where my grandfather had so much success. I'm not naive enough to think otherwise.
    - Sean McVay
  • I would say that I probably remember football stuff... but it's not like you see it once and then it's just there. I go back and watch film, watch plays, and, in my brain, I probably only have room for so much.
    - Sean McVay
  • I probably don't have any room in my mind for anything but football. My dad tells me I'm a total vegetable outside of just knowing football.
    - Sean McVay
  • When you look at what we want our individual player to represent from that makeup, if you will, we're looking for mentally and physically tough players who are smart and want to compete. And when you say smart, you're talking about situational awareness. Guys that are instinctual. That are smart football players.
    - Sean McVay