Best quotes by Tom Steyer on Change

Checkout quotes by Tom Steyer on Change

  • Californians like to spend a lot of time talking about how great our state is, but the truth is that we have learned and executed a very important lesson: if we want to win on issues as critical as climate change - if we want to lead - we absolutely have to stand together.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Demanding that our leaders take action on climate change is about a lot more than polar bears and ice caps; it's about safeguarding our health, preserving our prosperity, and protecting the future of our children.
    - Tom Steyer
  • If we are to candidly and comprehensively address climate change - which I believe is the true crisis of our time - we must find new ways to generate energy and fuel.
    - Tom Steyer
  • With many serious challenges facing our country - pressing issues like climate change, income inequality, and education - Trump has expressed neither the inclination nor the ability to take on these problems.
    - Tom Steyer
  • I think Donald knows climate change is a serious threat - but he only cares about protecting his luxury coastal properties, not the rest of America. Observing his actions as they relate to his business interests offers the best insight into the man behind the bluster.
    - Tom Steyer
  • The American people know that climate change is the kind of problem only America can solve.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Climate change is a global crisis - one the international community and private sector must tackle together if we have any hope of averting the worst impacts on our health, our economies, and our communities.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Climate change carries implications that stretch far beyond extreme weather, however. The effects on public health are far more alarming - and those have to be taken into account in order to calculate an accurate estimate of the costs of inaction.
    - Tom Steyer
  • We believe the way social change occurs in the United States, over the last 200 years, is the democratic process.
    - Tom Steyer