Best quotes by Doug Ducey on Government

Checkout quotes by Doug Ducey on Government

  • I'm a believer in private enterprise, the dignity of work, limited government, and the possibilities of freedom.
    - Doug Ducey
  • Setting the state budget is one of the most important tasks we undertake at the state Capitol - because after all, it's the people's money - not the government's.
    - Doug Ducey
  • I have been outspoken on my opposition to 'Obamacare,' and I don't buy the line that our Medicaid program, or any function of government, has reached maximum efficiency.
    - Doug Ducey
  • Federal government has forced a one-size-fits-all model on our education system.
    - Doug Ducey
  • Serving ice cream isn't exactly like serving in state government, but what I learned guides me today.
    - Doug Ducey