Best quotes by Tom Morello on Music

Checkout quotes by Tom Morello on Music

  • Paul Ryan's love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades.
    - Tom Morello
  • Music, I think, is best when it honestly explores personal demons, and it stirs around in the silt of the psyche to find out what's really there.
    - Tom Morello
  • Then about 12 years ago it dawned on me that folk music - the music of Woody Guthrie and Phil Ochs, early Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Pete Seeger - could be as heavy as anything that comes through a Marshall stack. The combination of three chords and the right lyrical couplet can be as heavy as anything in the Metallica catalogue.
    - Tom Morello
  • As a guitar player, I've been influenced by dance music - it was Crystal Method and The Prodigy back in the day. I would listen to those textures and try to approximate them on the electric guitar.
    - Tom Morello
  • I came late to the genre of folk music.
    - Tom Morello
  • I was a fan of heavy music - first metal, then punk, then hip hop.
    - Tom Morello
  • My music is - there's no litmus test, there's no political litmus test for listening to it - but I am never going to compromise one iota to satisfy with someone who's uncomfortable with the ideas I feel in my heart.
    - Tom Morello
  • I grew up on misogynist, devil-worshipping heavy metal music, and then it was groups like The Clash and Public Enemy that reminded me that there were a different set of ideas that could be expressed with great music.
    - Tom Morello