Best quotes by Pete Docter on People

Checkout quotes by Pete Docter on People

  • There's no way for me to anticipate what people will like or not like.
    - Pete Docter
  • At Pixar, of course, we have all these people, and they're just used to our process now where it's a discussion; it's a discovery. It's not individual artists going and fussing off by themselves in isolation and then handing their work in.
    - Pete Docter
  • I love to go to the airports and just put on, like, dark glasses, so nobody can tell I'm staring at them, and just draw people.
    - Pete Docter
  • With sadness specifically, in America you read about people medicating to avoid sadness. They don't want to experience sadness, and yet it's such a vital part of being human.
    - Pete Docter
  • When people go to the theater, they don't want to think 'I know exactly what I'm gonna get,' and then they get it and then they walk out. I think you want to walk in going 'I don't really know what this is about,' and have the fun of discovering it.
    - Pete Docter
  • 'Toy Story' really felt like just a bunch of guys working in their garage for fun. When it came out and people liked it, it was mind-blowing.
    - Pete Docter