Best quotes by Tom Anderson on Music

Checkout quotes by Tom Anderson on Music

  • From the very beginning, our driving passion has been simple: to create and foster a platform where people across the globe can not only meet and interact, but share music, videos, thoughts and ideas.
    - Tom Anderson
  • We asked people why they didn't go to MySpace. A lot of people thought it was too hard to use, they thought it was a music site, or a content site. Privacy was a concern, or they'd say it was a site for teenagers.
    - Tom Anderson
  • MySpace is so much more about culture and about creativity and expression. So in other words, you go on MySpace and you can find music, and you can find video, and things about politics, and things like that.
    - Tom Anderson
  • It made a lot of sense to me that the music part of our site would work for filmmakers as well. They'll be able to upload clips. There will be a section where you can watch what they are doing. They'll tell where their screenings are. It took a lot longer than we wanted to because we were growing so fast.
    - Tom Anderson
  • People aren't interested in music on Facebook in the way they are on MySpace, that's one of the big keys here.
    - Tom Anderson
  • Music is a major cornerstone of our success.
    - Tom Anderson
  • I didn't expect major labels would embrace MySpace, and the original idea for music on the site was the unsigned bands, the independent bands.
    - Tom Anderson