Best quotes by Thelma Schoonmaker on Work

Checkout quotes by Thelma Schoonmaker on Work

  • I'm not a person who believes in the great difference between women and men as editors. But I do think that quality is key. We're very good at organizing and discipline and patience, and patience is 50 per cent of editing. You have to keep banging away at something until you get it to work. I think women are maybe better at that.
    - Thelma Schoonmaker
  • It's wonderful to work on footage by someone who understands how to get it to cut right, which a lot of directors don't.
    - Thelma Schoonmaker
  • I know a lot of editors who are very bitter about the directors they work with. They feel they could have done a better job, and I say to them, 'Oh really? Why don't you go try - it's not easy.'
    - Thelma Schoonmaker
  • I'm very lucky. Most of my friends wait long times for jobs and also don't get the chance to work on 20 films, like I have, with someone like Scorsese. I love working for him. I just would never - I can't imagine working for anybody else.
    - Thelma Schoonmaker
  • 'Raging Bull' was staggering to work on. I was well aware of how lucky I was to be in this extraordinary situation. That film is very unique. It stands on its own. It's just burned into the screen.
    - Thelma Schoonmaker
  • 'Raging Bull' was just a dream to work on, but it took a lot of work to get all those fights to work right and incorporate them properly into the story.
    - Thelma Schoonmaker